A representative of CUSA Hospitality Management, www.1cusa.com has been part of serving the homeless communities in Atlanta for over 14 years. This is a large commitment and it is growing. It takes dedication and a willingness to give your time and energy to serve in any capacity. It takes a company with a passion for community and willingness to invest in the passions of their employees to help these individuals serve. I proudly represent one of these companies, CUSA HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT.
I am so grateful that I have a company behind me that shares my heart to serve, encourage, and help meet the needs of a very challenging group of individuals who have found themselves homeless and in great need.
Each week a dedicated team of individuals drive 30 miles south to downtown Atlanta GA to provide meals, encouragement, a time of worship, and accountability/mentorship to about 80 to 100 men and women living on the streets and outside of normal society. These folks are looked at as outcasts much of the time and a nuisance and I have found that some of them are very hard to love and serve. But still we try.
I’m so proud of the fact that over the years we have seen many of these folks come off the streets, get into jobs, beat addictions, and become active members of the society.
Two years ago, we met a single mom with 4 kids. She was crying as we stood in the old bank building a kind man bought and turned into a homeless day shelter, this is where we meet to serve). As we spoke she cried out, “all I want is a chance to get out of here and get to work”. She told me that she lives in a shelter and must be there when her kids are picked up and dropped off from school. This rule is a good one as it ensures the safety of these children but it limited this lady with no car to about 3 hours where she could go work.
I called the president of our company and explained the situation this family was in. Our president listened and then said, “you know we manage many hotel properties and have great relationships with our owners. Let me make a call to one who happens to have a wonderful extended stay.” Minutes later she called me back and said these folks have a safe place to stay for two weeks. This was the launching pad. It was all I needed as I knew my church and my friends would help this family take next steps.
That was over two years ago and I’m proud to say that today “Lil” and her kids are doing very well. Lil has worked in medical billing and is completely off government assistance. Her kids have been in the same schools all this time and are earning A’s and B’s, (up until this time they had never had a whole year on one school). She rents a nice safe home and has a car. I’m so proud of their accomplishments
Homelessness and addiction are growing and we were recently asked to start a second night of serving. This time in a growing, upscale community. It’s amazing but with the growing Opioid epidemic and other addictions, many people who thought they would never end up homeless have come to that painful realization.
This community and a major church got together and asked us to help set up and serve another night. The community targeted an area that happened to have a hotel nearby, (another CUSA Hospitality client). I contacted our president and she reached out to this wonderful owner who has given us an area to serve. The owner went as far as saying he would be interested in helping to provide meals from time to time. I’m so excited to see the restoration I know that is going to take place as we volunteer and start to invest time, energy, and resources into this community. I’m also again so grateful to have a wonderful company backing us up with our efforts.
If you find yourself available and in Atlanta we’d love to have you join us. Message me on LinkedIn. If you are not in Atlanta, guess what, YOU CAN SERVE ANYWHERE AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
It’s a Joy to serve and man does the world need it,